A House of Faith | Tools of Faith
A House of Faith
'A House of Faith' is a series of eleven short videos that offer fresh concepts and tools to help you learn from faith challenging experiences, rather than feeling disillusioned by them.
The 'A House of Faith' series explores how faith can be developed from being soft like sand to being strong like brick.
Faith can be strengthened. But to understand how, it’s important to know what makes it fragile.
Faith doesn’t come at the push of a button. It develops through a constant process of growth, change, and renovation. Remembrance is one tool that can aid us in solidifying our faith.
If we really want to know and understand God, we have to practice a lot, and start to live more like Him.
Sometimes when we suffer, God seems to stand idly by. Maybe these trials are not meant to simply develop our faith, but rather they are meant to sanctifiy us.
God cannot influence our decision to believe in Him. He can only offer us His hand, and if we choose to take it, He can lead us to the things we each need for our own growth.
We do not know if, when, or how God will help us; but if we meekly trust Him unconditionally, He will ultimately redeem us.
It takes sincere connection with other believers to strengthen each other in difficult times. This strengthens our faith and enriches our lives.
Love is the final, great, and all-defining ingredient in our faith. God’s love has the power to transform us completely and help us endure everything.
Storms and conflicts are inevitable in life. Having a secure spiritual home is of infinite worth. Here are seven tools that help you build your own unshakeable house of faith.