Elder Neil L. Andersen describes the miracle of the Gospel spreading throughout the world.
David A. Bednar explains how ordinances such as baptism are central to the Saviour’s gospel.
D. Todd Christofferson talks about how we can ‘Dwell in Christ’ through the way we live our lives.
Paulo’s business has gone from strength to strength since his participation in the Starting and Growing My Business course.
The Book of Mormon can help to bring you closer to the Saviour in your daily life.
Montse was able to turn her life around spiritually and professionally, after attending the Education for a Better Job course.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland helps us understand the true meaning of the scriptural term ‘perfection.’
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf describes how we can find happiness as we draw closer to Jesus Christ.
President Dallin H. Oaks explains how when we apply the principles outlined in the church’s The Family: A Proclamation to the World we can have a happy family.
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf explains how relying on Christ’s Atonement helps us come to know the Saviour.
President Russell M. Nelson testifies that those who look to God qualify for a sublime promise.