Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf takes us back 2,000 years to the Garden of Gethsemane and explains why the Atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the greatest day in history.
Just as Jesus Christ spoke to his disciples in ancient times, He speaks to us today. This Easter, listen to His words and teachings, and #HearHim.
Find peace in a troubled world by learning more of Jesus Christ. This Easter season, learn principles of peace from the #PRINCEofPEACE.
Ordinances invite power into our lives.
Thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we all have the ability to repent—to be free from the guilt and burden of our past sins. Learn how Melody put her past behind her with Jesus’s help and was able to find peace in her new life.
Prayer is how we tell our Heavenly Father the blessings we desire and express our gratitude for what He has given us. As we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, we can receive answers to our prayers—including finding the peace Christ promises us.
The Savior can calm life's storms.
The Savior's unwavering conviction strengthens us.
All will be made right.
It is impossible to sink below the power of the atonement.
We rejoice in being Christ's disciples.
Christ broke the bands of death for all.