
Four new Area Organization Advisers called in the Europe Central Area

The women will start their service on 1 August 2024

The Europe Central Area Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently announced changes to the Area Organization Advisers in the Area. The following advisers are being released from their calling after three years of dedicated service: Sibylle Fingerle, Leticia dos Santos Rudloff, Ghislaine Simonet and Julia Wondra. They were among the first Area Organization Advisers called in Europe and have served for three years in this role, which was first approved by the First Presidency in 2021.

The following four women were called to this role and are starting their service on 1 August 2024:

Sister Jayne Bingham from Germany

Sister Laura Echarri from Spain

Sister Cybèle Liébard from France

Sister Eleonóra Southwick from Hungary

images of four women
The newly called Area Organization Advisers for the Europe Central Area, from left to right: Jayne Bingham, Germany, Laura Echarri, Spain, Cybéle Françoise Liebard, France, Eleonóra Southwick, Hungary.

“I am looking forward to serving with the amazing and faithful pioneer women leaders in Hungary and Romania in helping the Lord expand and strengthen this part of His vineyard,” says Sister Southwick. “Jesus Christ is the source of true joy, growth and relief, his gospel is the answer to all of life's questions and the solution to the problems of the world,” she continues.

Area Organization Advisers serve under the direction of their Area Presidency. They may help orient and instruct new stake or district Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary presidencies, under the direction of these leaders’ stake or district presidencies They also receive regular instruction from general organization presidencies. They typically serve for three years.

“With this new opportunity to serve, I will have the blessing of working in unity with Primary, Young Women and Relief Society leaders in Spain, to help families and individuals come closer to Jesus Christ and be perfected in Him,” says Sister Echarri. She continues: “The words of Isaiah found in 2 Nephi 22:2-3 express how my Savior and His Gospel blesses my life and that of others: ‘Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also has become my salvation. Therefore, with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation’.

Besides providing orientation and support for newly called organization presidencies, Area Organization Advisers also help presidencies to engage in God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation.

“In recent years, our family has been particularly blessed through temple and family history work.  It has strengthened our bonds with each other and has brought us closer to Christ,” says Sister Bingham. “I pray that I may offer a listening ear and an open heart to the sisters I serve, so that they feel heard, supported, and loved,” she goes on. 

“The faith in Jesus Christ, the sacrifices and the unity of early women pioneers such as Lucy Mack Smith, Emma Smith and so many others engaged in the work of God, inspire me to listen with humility and love, and offer the encouragement and support that the sisters need,” says Sister Liebard. Testifying of God’s guidance for His children, she refers to Elder Bednar, who said that “the scriptures are the prerecorded voice of the Lord.” Sister Liebard goes on: “While studying or being guided to a particular scripture, I have so often heard the voice of Jesus Christ comforting and inspiring me. I know that Jesus Christ lives, this is His Church and I have the assurance that He prepares the way for each one of us.”

“We are very grateful for these wonderful sisters and their important service as Area Organization Advisers,” says Elder Massimo De Feo, President of the Europe Central Area. “They are covenant keeping women of great faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and will help mentor, instruct and bless many, including local leaders of Relief Society, Young Women and Primary,” he concludes.

Following are brief biographies of the newly called sisters:

a man and a woman
Jayne and Darren Bingham from Germany.

Jayne Bingham was born in Longview, Washington, USA and is married to Darren Bingham. They have three children and live in the Kaiserslautern Germany Stake. Sister Bingham currently serves as Ward and Stake Temple & Family History Consultant and as Ordinance Worker at the Frankfurt Temple. She served in Ward and Stake Relief Society and Young Women presidencies, and as Ward Primary President. She has a bachelor’s degree in German and History and a master’s degree in foreign language education. She works as a German & Social Studies Teacher for the Department of Defense Dependents School.

a man and a woman
Laura Echarri and Marcelo Saúl de Barros from Spain.

Laura Echarri was born in Pamplona, Spain and is married to Marcelo Saúl de Barros. They live in the Vitoria Spain Stake. Sister Echarri currently serves as Ward Relief Society President and as Temple Ordinance Worker. She served as full time missionary at Temple Square in Salt Lake City, as teacher in Sunday School and S&I, in Young Women presidencies, as Welfare and Self-Reliance specialist and as Ward Primary President. She has degrees in Psychopedagogy, Social Integration, Education and Music and works as cognitive trainer for students with ADHD and dyslexia.

a man and a woman
Cybéle Françoise and Louis-Marie Liebard from France.

Cybéle Françoise Liebard was born in Angers, France and is married to Louis-Marie Liebard. They live in the Paris South Stake and have four children. At the time of her call, she was serving as second counselor in the Stake Young Women's Presidency. She also served as young women president, counselor in Relief Society and Primary presidencies and as Seminary and Institute teacher. Prior to devoting herself to raising and educating her children, Sister Liebard’s education and profession has been as a conservator-restorer of ancient textiles at the fashion museum at the Palais Galliera, Paris.

a man and a woman
Eleonóra and Christopher Southwick from Hungary.

Eleonóra Southwick was born in Hungary and is married to Christopher Southwick. They live in the Budapest, Hungary Stake and have three sons. Sister Southwick recently served as District Relief Society President and prior to that as teacher in the Relief Society and as Primary teacher and counselor. She works as language translator for the Church in the Hungary translation office.