Small but consistent habits of devotion in his private life help Elder Renlund to feel close to God and to #HearHim.
The scriptures bring Elder Bednar closer to the Lord and help him to #HearHim and receive His guidance, reassurance and protection.
His love for God has helped Elder Uchtdorf to #HearHim, to receive answers and inspiration throughout his life.
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf describes how his love for the Lord has helped him to receive answers and inspiration throughout his life.
As a young boy, Elder Stevenson learned to #HearHim through listening to the Holy Ghost.
Reaching out in service to others helps Elder Gong to connect with the Lord and #HearHim.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland talks about the importance of praying vocally in order to communicate better with the Lord and 'Hear Him'.
President M. Russell Ballard describes how the quite moments in our life are needed for us to be able feel the Lord's inspiration and 'Hear Him'.
Sister Jean B. Bingham describes how she learned to Hear Him through the Holy Ghost as she bore her testimony.
President Nelson encourages everyone to increase their ability to Hear Him.
This beautiful song recounts Joseph Smith's first vision and reminds us to turn to God and 'Hear Him' for answers in our lives.
The Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square present 'Hear Him' by The Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square, music written by Ryan Murphy and lyrics by Wendy Randall.