Agency is the ability each person has to choose right or wrong—or, put another way, the ability to either follow God or not. Being able to direct our own lives and make our own choices is one of the greatest gifts God has given us.
You may have wondered about the Mormon practice called baptism for the dead. What is it? Why does it matter? Let’s talk about it.
Do Latter-Day Saints believe in heaven and hell? The short answer is yes. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints base their understanding of heaven and hell on teachings from the Bible as well as ancient and modern prophets of God.
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe in and study the Holy Bible as the word of God because it teaches about Jesus Christ and testifies of His divine role as the Son of God and Savior of the world.
All people will stand before God at the end of their mortal life to be judged for their actions. This judgment will come only after they have a complete understanding of God’s plan and have had an opportunity to repent of their sins.
God makes it easy for us to follow Him by giving us commandments. Following the commandments can lead to happiness. We certainly are not perfect, but God has given us a way to be forgiven of our sins through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Did you know that Jesus Christ established a church when He was on the earth and called twelve Apostles to lead the Church after His death? Watch this video to learn why there are so many churches today and how Christ’s Church was restored to the earth.
An audio narration that briefly describes the connection between Freemasonry and Joseph Smith, founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
You have heard of prophets in the Bible, and you may have heard of modern-day prophets too. Who are they? What is their purpose? Let’s talk about it.
Latter-Day Saints temples are a sacred place for Church members to visit and make sacred promises with God, like keep His commandments or marriage promises. Temples were used in biblical times. Jesus Christ spent a lot of time in the temple teaching and healing.
God’s work and glory is to bring about immortality and eternal life for all His children. We can permanently overcome both physical and spiritual death to live with Him and His Son, Jesus Christ, again.
God often uses ordinary objects to accomplish extraordinary tasks, even miracles! The power of God was similarly demonstrated with Joseph Smith, who used “seer stones”—stones believed to transmit revelation, to translate the Book of Mormon